MSI-9300 Port-A-Weigh Plus RF Crane Scale
- Crane unit with 2.4 GHz Spread Spectrum transceiver
- Six-digit, 1.2 in (30 mm) LED display and annunciators
- Top lifting eye or shackle, bottom thrust bearing swivel hook
- 12 volt rechargeable battery and universal 115/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz battery charger (NA Plug Standard)
- RF remote crane unit control, includes On/Off, Zero, Tare, Net/Gross, Total and programmable function keys
- Audible alarm
- Anti-heat shielding for high-temperature applications
- Substitute bottom swivel hook with shackle
- Low headroom top adapter
- Oversized top lifting eye or shackle
- Oversized bottom hook
- Universal direct power supply; 85-265 VAC, 47-440 Hz / 130-300 VDC
- Wireless 802.11 b/g Ethernet connectivity
- MSI-9300 retrofit kit – conversion kit to upgrade existing MSI-4300 crane scale to 9300 RF unit
- Custom top and bottom interfaces
- Potential receivers: MSI-9850, 9750A, remote RF Indicators (each sold separately)
- Crane scale cart
For more information call 905-630-1336 / 1-800-857-1315
The Material Handler
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8a.m. – 6p.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Saturday-Sunday: Closed