
In any warehouse, the loading dock is one of the busiest, and therefore most dangerous areas. Every year, a significant number of injuries and fatalities happen and are usually caused by lift trucks or their loads falling off the dock. The driver can sustain injuries, while the same fate can happen to pedestrians nearby. While dock accidents are not as frequent as other accident prone areas, the severity of injuries happening here are much higher, and often times the solutions in place to prevent these hazards are not sufficient. That is why GMR Safety invented the extremely efficient and safe Power Chock line of loading dock safety products.

Loading Dock Hazards

The most common hazard associated with the majority of loading docks across the country is an occurrence called trailer creep. This happens when the back wheels of a trailer or truck roll away from the dock while weight is being loaded or unloaded. The trailer can be affected by the weight and speed of a forklift which enters and exits too quickly. Occasionally, a bad grade of pavement where the trailer is parked can cause wheels to slide slightly, especially when downhill or wet. Sometimes, even the trailer’s suspension softness can be to blame.

Attempted Solution

In 1953, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) of America passed a law which required all trailers to have a bumper on the back. Nicknamed ICC Bumpers, and more recently known as Rear Impact Guards (RIG), the goal was to lock the RIG into the loading dock to prevent trailer creep. Unfortunately, the majority of these RIGs quickly became damaged and were abandoned, but many warehouses across Canada still rely on them today.

The Power Chock System

GMR Safety Inc. is a forward-thinking company that develops and manufactures safety equipment for loading docks. They have come up with a simple product that has revolutionized the industry and has made it much safer. The Power Chock System is a vehicle restraint which focuses on restraining the wheels of a trailer and can be adapted to any vehicle, any size of wheel, and in any condition. The system is comprised of an 18-inch steel chock, a sort of wheel wedge, that is affixed to the end of a movable arm. The chock is placed in front of the back wheels and locks onto a plate which is built into the ground. The restraining power can be linked to an electronically controlled system, sensors, and lights. Installation is incredible easy as well. All the driver has to do is step out of his truck, walk over to the chock, and place it front of his tire.

The Advantages

-High level of safety – Easy to install and doesn’t depend on faulty RIGs
-Universal compatibility – Fits all vehicles
-Greater restraining capabilities – restrains the wheel instead of the RIG
-Not weather dependent – developed in Canada to endure cold, ice, and snow

If your loading dock needs a safe change from RIG dependency to a product that fulfills your safety concern, don’t hesitate to call the experts at The Material Handler today, who will gladly distribute GMR’s Power Chock to you.